How to create a MapAlerter account
MapAlerter Subscriber Accounts
MapAlerter is a free service and you can browse the website without any restriction. You can view alerts on the website or you can use the mapping system without needing to sign up. However, if you want to get free SMS text alerts, email alerts or smartphone app notifications then you will need to create a free account on this website. To sign up for a free account follow the Signup buttons on this page and follow the instructions provided.
What signup information is required?
Like many registration services, MapAlerter requests an email address and password during the sighnup process. You must also provide an Irish mobile number as 10 digits (e.g. 0871234567). Your mobile number and your email address allow you to login to MapAlerter to manage your account. Importantly, yor mobile number is used to issue alerts to you as SMS text messages. Your registration email address is used to deliver email alerts to you.
Providing your Location
MapAlerter specializes in delivering localized alerts that are relevant to you. To achieve this, you must identify a "mapped location" during the registration process so MapAlerter will know which alerts you should receive. This information is requested as part of the sign up process and you must provide at least one location to set up your account. Your location is fixed and stored in the MapAlerter system, so it is important to note that there is no "location tracking" used at any stage of the process. You can update your saved location(s) at any time by logging into MapAlerter. There are three ways you can quickly propvide yor fixed location during the signup process:
Provide your Eircode: This allows MapAlerter to quickly determine your preferred location. MapAlerter includes 96% Eircode coverage. If you happen to be one of the unluck 4% then you can use the other location options:
Pick a Placename: You can select a list of well-known placenames from your county and use a location in the middle of your local area. This is less accurate than your Eircode, but it is sufficient for getting local alerts in most cases.
Pick a Location on a Map: You can use a web map on the MapAlerter signup form to tap over your preferred location. This is a simple way to manually choose your location on a map without any address searching.
Benefits of having a MapAlerter Account
Stay Informed
Get a "heads up" on issues that affect you. Rather than finding out about a water disruption when the event occurs, get prior warning by SMS text alert sent by your local authority.
Stay Safe
MapAlerter excels at delivering local alerts to you during storms and severe weather situations. Get alerts delivered to your phone as the situation unfolds during events like Storm Ophelia.
Free Service
MapAlerter is a free service. There is no cost to register for a MapAlerter account and there is no cost to receive alerts through any channel, including SMS text messages.